Articles on: Reseller hosting

How to link WHMCS to your reseller server

How to Link WHMCS to a Reseller Package in WHM and DirectAdmin

WHMCS (Web Host Manager Complete Solution) is a comprehensive client management and billing software that automates all aspects of a web hosting business. Linking WHMCS to your reseller package in WHM (Web Host Manager) and DirectAdmin allows you to automate the account creation, suspension, termination, and more, directly from WHMCS. This knowledgebase article will guide you through the process of integrating WHMCS with a reseller package in both WHM and DirectAdmin.


- A WHMCS license and installation.
- Access to your reseller hosting account with WHM or DirectAdmin.
- API access or a remote access key (for WHM).

Part 1: Linking WHMCS to a Reseller Package in WHM

Step 1: Generate API Token in WHM

Log in to WHM as the reseller user.
Navigate to Development > Manage API Tokens.
Click Generate Token.
Name your token and ensure the token has the necessary permissions for account management. The following permissions are required in order for WHMCS to interact properly with WHM:

Create Accounts: Necessary for WHMCS to create new cPanel accounts as part of the hosting provisioning process.
Suspend/Unsuspend Accounts: Allows WHMCS to suspend or unsuspend accounts based on payment status or at the administrator's discretion.
Terminate Accounts: Enables WHMCS to remove accounts that are cancelled or terminated by the client or administrator.
List Accounts: Required for WHMCS to retrieve a list of accounts on the server, useful for account synchronization and management.
Modify Account: Allows WHMCS to change account properties, such as upgrading or downgrading hosting packages.
Change Password: Enables WHMCS to update the password for hosting accounts, useful for account recovery or security updates.
DNS Zone Management: If WHMCS is used to manage DNS zones, permissions for adding, editing, and removing DNS zones may be required.

Save the generated token securely.

Step 2: Configure the WHM Server in WHMCS

Log in to your WHMCS admin panel.
Navigate to Setup > Products/Services > Servers.
Click Add New Server.
Enter the server details:
Name: A recognizable name for your server.
Hostname: Your server's hostname or IP address.
Type: Select cPanel/WHM.
Username: Your WHM reseller username.
Password: Enter the API token you generated in WHM as the password.
Access Hash: Leave this blank if using an API token.
Save the server settings.

Step 3: Test the Connection

After saving, click Test Connection to ensure WHMCS can communicate with WHM.
If successful, you'll see a success message. If not, verify your details and permissions.

Part 2: Linking WHMCS to a Reseller Package in DirectAdmin

Step 1: Enable API Access in DirectAdmin

Log in to DirectAdmin as the reseller user.
Ensure API access is enabled in your account settings. This following permissions are required in order for WHMCS to interact properly with DirectAdmin:


Step 2: Configure the DirectAdmin Server in WHMCS

Log in to your WHMCS admin panel.
Navigate to Setup > Products/Services > Servers.
Click Add New Server.
Enter the server details:
Name: A recognizable name for your server.
Hostname: Your server's hostname or IP address.
Type: Select DirectAdmin.
Username: Your DirectAdmin reseller username.
Password: Your DirectAdmin password.
Save the server settings.

Step 3: Test the Connection

Click Test Connection to verify that WHMCS can communicate with DirectAdmin.
A success message indicates that the connection is correctly configured.

Additional Configuration

Create Hosting Packages: In WHMCS, navigate to Setup > Products/Services > Products/Services to create packages that correspond to your reseller packages in WHM or DirectAdmin.
Automate Account Provisioning: Configure product settings in WHMCS to automate the provisioning process for new orders.


Linking WHMCS to your reseller package in WHM or DirectAdmin simplifies managing your hosting business, providing an automated solution for account management tasks. Ensure you keep your API tokens and passwords secure and regularly test your configuration to ensure smooth operation. This guide should help you set up the integration successfully; however, always refer to the latest documentation of WHMCS, WHM, and DirectAdmin for any updates or changes in the process.

Updated on: 12/02/2024

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