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How to upload website files in cPanel

How to Upload Website Files in cPanel

Uploading website files to your hosting account is a crucial step in getting your website live on the internet. cPanel, a popular web hosting control panel, makes this process user-friendly. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to successfully upload your website files using cPanel.

Table of Contents

Accessing File Manager
Uploading Files
Verifying the Upload
Troubleshooting Common Issues


* cPanel Access: Ensure you have the login credentials for your cPanel account. Visit the URL of your server (e.g and log in with your username and password. You can find your login details and server URL in the "New Account Information" email. Alternatively, you can login to the client portal and login to your cPanel hosting package from there.
* Prepared Website Files: Have your website files ready to upload, typically in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image file formats.

Accessing File Manager

File Manager in cPanel is a web-based interface that allows you to manage all files associated with your account.

Log in to cPanel: Enter your cPanel URL in your web browser, typically in the format Log in using your username and password.
Locate File Manager: Once logged in, find the “File Manager” icon. It’s usually located under the “Files” section.

Uploading Files

The primary directory for your website files is the public_html or www folder.

Navigate to public_html: In File Manager, double-click on the public_html folder to open it. This is the root directory for your website.
Upload Files:
Click on the “Upload” icon in the File Manager toolbar.
A new tab will open. Click “Select File” and browse your computer for the website files you want to upload. You can select multiple files.
Wait for the upload process to complete. The progress bar will indicate when each file is fully uploaded.
Index file: In order for your website to load, you need to have a file named index.html or index.php in your public_html directory.

Verifying the Upload

After uploading, it's important to verify that your files are in the correct location and accessible.

Check File Location: Return to the public_html directory in File Manager. Confirm that your files are listed.
Visit Your Website: Open a web browser and go to your domain (e.g., You should see your website as intended.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

* 404 Errors: If you encounter a 404 error, check if the uploaded files are in the public_html directory and that the homepage is named correctly (usually index.html or index.php).
* Permission Issues: Ensure your files have the correct permissions (typically 644 for files and 755 for directories).
* File Size Limit: Be aware of the file size limit for uploads in cPanel. Large files may need to be uploaded via FTP.


Uploading website files via cPanel’s File Manager is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can ensure that your website files are correctly uploaded and your site is visible online. Always verify after uploading and address any issues that arise promptly.

Remember, for larger websites or frequent updates, consider using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) as an alternative to the File Manager for more efficient file management.

Updated on: 05/02/2024

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